Marty Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Marty.

Quote #1

CLARA: There's nothing wrong with being a butcher.

MARTY: Well, I wouldn't call it an elegant profession. It's in a lower social scale. People look down on butchers.

Somebody please take Marty to any one of the bespoke butchers of 21st-century NYC.

Quote #2

CLARA: Marty, I've known you for three hours, but I know you're a good butcher. You're an intelligent, sensitive, decent man.

What's the connection Clara's making here between being good at your job and having a high value as a person?

Quote #3

CLARA: I have a feeling about you like sometimes a kid comes in to see me for one reason or another. And some of these kids, Marty, in my classes, they have so much warmth in them, so much capacity. And that's the feeling I get about you.

While other characters in the movie are reliant on social mores and cultural expectations, Clara makes use of vibes.