Memento Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Memento ? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Sammy is unable to learn which items not to pick up through conditioning because _________?

He isn't trying hard enough
The doctors are quacks
His problem is mental, not physiological
He is faking
Q. Leonard remembering Sammy Jankis is really about _______?

Removing himself from his true past
Remembering not to lie and deceive
Getting tattoos instead of using ineffective notes like Sammy
Remembering to give himself insulin shots
Q. What always tells the truth?

Q. How does Leonard's wife die?

Strangulated by her attackers
Hypoglycemic shock from too many insulin injections
Strangled by Leonard
A Snickers bar combined with a fatal peanut allergy
Q. How does Jimmy really know Leonard?

Jimmy was Leonard's supplier
Jimmy is the real John G. trying to fool Leonard
Jimmy was probably really doing deals at the Discount Inn
Jimmy also has anterograde amnesia and was in the ward with Leonard