Meridian Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

David Icke is a former British athlete and sports broadcaster turned self-proclaimed Son of God and world-renowned conspiracy theorist. His theory? That the world is being run by a cadre of shape-shifting Reptilians from the center of the Earth. Still with us? Well, this world-class wacko happens to count Alice Walker as a big fan. In this blog post, Walker explains that she doesn't believe in this theory literally, but enjoys it as a new sort of folk tale for a modern age. (Source)

While attending Spelman College, Alice Walker took a course with Howard Zinn, famed historian and author of the A People's History of the United States. That's like a music major taking classes with Paul McCartney. Walker says that Zinn was the first white person she sat next to and she was shocked that he didn't "feel" white. (Source)

Feminism is so passé, so why not give womanism a try? Womanism is a movement started by Alice Walker as an alternative to feminism and rooted in her own personal views about race, sexuality, and gender. Since Walker first coined the term in In Search of our Mother's Gardens: Womanist Prose, countless thinkers have helped develop the ideology into a wide-ranging movement. (Source)

Alice Walker loves the word "irregardless," regardless of the fact that it's not a real word. Oh well. In fact, Walker loves "irregardless" so much that it's even printed on her license plate. Talk about commitment! We don't really know what to make of that, but she's officially the most adorable writer on the planet in our book. (Source)