Desdemona and Eleutherios (Lefty) Stephanides Timeline & Summary


Desdemona and Eleutherios (Lefty) Stephanides Timeline & Summary

  • Desdemona and Lefty are Greek siblings who live in Turkey, where Desdemona weaves silk and Lefty hangs out at bars.
  • When the Turks attack Smyrna, Desdemona and Lefty flee to America.
  • They also realize that they're in love with each other, so they pretend to not be related and get married on the boat.
  • In America, they move to Detroit with their cousin Sourmelina and her husband, Jimmy Zizmo.
  • Lefty works at the Ford Motor Factory. After they fire him, he smuggles liquor with Jimmy Zizmo, who crashes the car into a frozen lake one night and dies.
  • When the depression hits (the Great one), Desdemona gets a job at the Nation of Islam temple, weaving silk.
  • They have two kids, Milton and Zoë, and Lefty opens his own bar, the Zebra Room.
  • Eventually, the kids grow up and have kids of their own. Milton takes over the family business and pushes Lefty out of it.
  • Lefty starts gambling, and he and Desdemona have to move in with Milton and Tessie.
  • When their grandchild Calliope is born, Lefty has a stroke.
  • Lefty eventually dies, and Desdemona shuts herself up in her bed for ten years. We hope she changed the sheets every two years or so…
  • At the end of the novel, Desdemona finally confesses to Cal that she and Lefty were brother and sister.