Love Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

No one to love: no love. No love: no babies. No babies: no one to love. (1.2.75)

A lack of love is a vicious cycle, and you might even say that love is what makes the world go around. At the very least, it keeps obstetricians in business.

Quote #2

"I think love breaks all taboos. Don't you?" (1.4.39)

This is a bold statement. How many taboos are broken in Middlesex? Heck, how many taboos are broken in the first chapter?

Quote #3

Desdemona stepped forward again to meet her husband's lips. Their first kiss in the great American outdoors, on the back porch, near a cherry tree losing its leaves. (2.152)

Ah, what a romantic moment. It's also tinged with sadness—cherry tree losing its leaves, eh? We're not sure if they're going to have this kind of romance ever again.