More Than Human Part 1, Section 8 Summary

  • Alicia's turn to be the point-of-view character! She sees her father return inside and asks to help him with his injuries.
  • They enter the library. Mr. Kew stares at her strangely, pulls out a gun, and shoots himself. There's quite a description of how horrifying it looks to her.
  • Alicia walks around in a daze, then finds Evelyn outside by the pool. The younger sister says she is so hurt by her father that she is going to sleep.
  • Evelyn, dying, asks her older sister what that touching Lone was all about.
  • Alicia thinks back to her father's books and defines it as love, calling it a bad thing.
  • The younger sister says she had it and that it is not a bad thing. Evelyn makes Alicia promise to do something without saying what it is. Alicia promises.
  • Evelyn tells her the something: Dance naked in the sunlight someday. With wise eyes, Evelyn describes that as love and dies.
  • Alicia hears Lone crying from the woods and returns inside, his crying seeming to continue inside her. Can this get anymore sad? Jeez.