The Most Dangerous Game Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Even so, I rather think they understand one thing—fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death." (1.13)

How does fear relate to strength and skill? Can fear be as big a motivator and advantage as those two—or does fear put someone at a disadvantage?

Quote #2

He wrestled himself out of his clothes and shouted with all his power (1.34)

Keep track of the examples in which Rainsford applies strength to survive—and, likewise, when he applies reason. Preventing himself from drowning is not something that he applies brainpower to accomplish.

Quote #3

[…] doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength. (1.35)

Another point for strength. Rainsford isn’t just shrewd; he’s got muscle power.