Mowing Visions of New England Quotes

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Quote #1

There was never a sound beside the wood but one, (1)

If the narrator had been mowing a lawn beside the woods in the South, there would be such a cacophony of noise from the cicadas and other woodsy creatures that he would never have heard that scythe whispering.

Quote #2

What was it it whispered? I knew not well myself;
Perhaps it was something about the heat of the sun, (3-4)

Again, if this were happening in the South that scythe would have been complaining loudly about the heat instead of just whispering about it.

Quote #3

[…] scared a bright green snake (12)

In just about any other part of the country, a snake skittering through the grass would be far more alarming (and deadly) than the narrator seems to think it is.