My Ántonia Book 2, Chapter 3 Summary

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  • When Ántonia comes to town she is excited to see Jim. She suggests that Grandmother will like her better once she learns to live in town.
  • Jim enjoys having Ántonia around again. Mrs. Harlings sees that Ántonia stops work a lot to play with the children. She learns more English rapidly.
  • Jim gets jealous because Ántonia takes a liking to Charley Harling. She always does things for him like bake him cakes or sew buttons on his coat.
  • Ántonia also likes Nina Harling, who is six and very moody. She cries a lot.
  • When Mr. Harling is away, Jim has fun evenings at the Harlings. When he's home, though, everyone has to go to bed early, because Mr. Harling likes a quiet house. He works alone in his study and doesn't pay attention to anyone else. He seems like a very powerful nobleman to Jim.
  • But when he's away, the house of noisy and fun. They have a piano that everyone likes to play, even Mrs. Harling.