My Heartbeat Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"When you grow out of it, you will break my heart," he said. Almost two years later, and I'm still totally madly in love with James, but I'm more used to it. (1.6)

When does a crush become love? Does it correlate to a certain age or is it longevity? Is it the depth of emotion? What do you think, does Ellen love James or is she just enamored with him?

Quote #2

He should have asked you to go," Link says. "You would have gone with him."

"I might," I say. Probably. Sure. No doubt about it.

"You would," my brother says. "You would follow James to the moon." (1.54-56)

Love makes you do strange things and blind devotion is one of its more common side effects. Does this quote contain a hint of jealousy from Link, though?

Quote #3

I lie awake for a long time. For hours after Link has drifted off to sleep. I listen for and I hear James returning to the house. It is true I would follow James to the moon. But if Link would let me, I would follow him anywhere he wanted. (1.62)

Ellen adores her brother. Maybe if he weren't so surly and distant, he would realize that Ellen worships him almost as much as she admires James (it not more). Later on, James openly discusses how his flirtations with Ellen were redirected tokens of affection for Link; she was just the safer recipient. How much of her affection for James do you think might be redirected admiration for Link?