Women & Femininity Quotes in Nation

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Mau] didn't know how to make a ghost bag. That was a woman's task. (2.147)

We learn early on that Mau's people see certain things as men's duties and others as women's duties. That's right: Daphne's crash-landed on the set of Mad Men. Only with fewer pants and girdles.

Quote #2

At the [Women's] Place, the gardens of the women grew the things that made the living enjoyable, possible, and longer. (3.29)

The men grow food; the women grow medicine, herbs and spices. Also, "possible" is a key word here, as without women, none of us would be here. (But that's true of men, too: the world needs both, folks!)

Quote #3

[Daphne's] grandmother had said that a lady should never lift anything heavier than a parasol. (3.63)

Is a globe heavier than a parasol? Daphne's grandmother should pick one of those up and learn that the world doesn't revolve around her.