Novel in Naturalism

Novel in Naturalism

More bigger, more better. The novel is the primary literary genre associated with Naturalism. Naturalist writers liked the novel so much because it gave them the space and the room to explore in great depth social environments and how they shape people.

Unlike a poem, which can be as short as a few lines, a novel can be hundreds and hundreds of pages long. The scope of the novel, in other words, allowed Naturalist writers to really delve into the details of environment and character.

Chew On This

Émile Zola was the master of the Naturalist novel. Check out this analysis of his Naturalist novel Thérèse Raquin here.

Richard Wright's Native Son is a great example of a Naturalist novel. It details the way in which African Americans and white Americans are shaped by their environment. Delve into an analysis of the book's writing style here.