No Country for Old Men Scene 6 Summary

  • We look in on a rural gas station. Anton Chigurh is buying gas and some peanuts. Oh, good, this is going to end well. (Not.) The clerk tries to make small talk about the weather, which annoys Chigurh a lot more than it should. The guy's just trying to be friendly, Anton!
  • Chigurh insults the man, but the guy stays calm and says he'd like to close up his shop.
  • After some more barbed exchanges, Chigurh randomly asks the clerk "What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?" Then he flips a coin and covers it on the gas station's counter. He tells the clerk to call it heads or tails.
  • The clerk is totally confused, but Chigurh's menacing tone clues us into the stakes: a wrong call means death.
  • Luckily for the man, and also for our blood pressure, he calls the coin correctly and Chigurh leaves him alone. But Chigurh doesn't want the man to put the coin in his pocket, since it's his lucky coin from now on.