Nicholas Higgins Timeline and Summary


Nicholas Higgins Timeline and Summary

  • Nicholas first shows up when he meets Margaret Hale on a road just outside of Milton. He thanks Margaret when she gives his daughter Bessy a bouquet of flowers.
  • Later on, Nicholas shows up when Margaret starts visiting his daughter Bessy. He isn't hopeful about Bessy's chances for survival, although Margaret tries to be upbeat.
  • Bessy eventually dies, and Nicholas blames the Milton cotton factory she worked in. He claims that inhaling all that cotton ruined her lungs.
  • As a union leader, Nicholas Higgins plays a big role in Milton's workers' strike. The strike goes sideways, though, when a man name Boucher instigates a riot outside Thornton's house. With public opinion no longer on the workers' side, Higgins has to let the strike fizzle.
  • With the strike over, Higgins tries to take care of Boucher's family. Boucher has killed himself and left a large family with no one to feed them. The big problem is that no employer in Milton wants to hire Higgins because they all think he's a troublemaker.
  • Acting on Margaret Hale's advice, Higgins goes to Mr. Thornton personally to ask for work. Thornton blows him off at first, but then reconsiders and hires him.
  • For the rest of the book, we hear that things go fairly well between Thornton and Higgins. They bump heads a lot, but it seems like this kind of relationship works well for both of them.