- As she approaches the plane with Vandamm and Leonard, Eve keeps looking anxiously back toward the house.
- When Vandamm asks her what's wrong, Eve says she's still thinking about her earrings. From the look on her face, those must be some earrings.
- Leonard says goodbye to Vandamm and Eve; he's staying in the States to take care of business.
- Eve starts to panic, since it's time for her to board the plane.
- Suddenly they hear a gunshot in the house. They see Thornhill run out and jump into the car that he's parked outside Vandamm's house. He comes speeding toward them.
- Eve grabs the statuette from Vandamm and runs in the direction of Thornhill's car.
- Thornhill tells Eve that he got tied up inside the house until he realized that the gun the housekeeper had was the same one that shot only blanks.
- The car comes to a stop when they find that the gate is locked, so they jump out and take off running. Where could they possibly be going?
- How about Mount Rushmore?
- Thornhill and Eve have no choice but to climb down onto the steep carved surface of the faces carved into the mountain. Thomas Jefferson is like, "What?"
- Thornhill says to Eve: "If we get out of this alive, let's go back to New York on a train together, alright?"
- "Is that a proposition?" Eve asks in response, repeating Thornhill's words from one of their first conversations.
- After a scuffle with Thornhill, the bad guy from the U.N. tumbles off the mountain to his death.
- Eve falls, but Thornhill catches her. He's barely hanging on himself, though, and when Leonard approaches, Thornhill begs him for help.
- Leonard has his signature sinister look on his face. He's not feeling too inclined to help.
- Instead, he steps on Thornhill's other hand, the one that's hanging onto the rock.
- In another nick of time, Leonard is shot. The statuette shatters.
- The hero is a sergeant who's helping The Professor. The good guys have already captured Vandamm, who says wryly: "that wasn't very sporting, using real bullets."
- Thornhill, who's still hanging on and holding Eve, tells her to pull herself up to him.
- We see her face in close-up, then in macro close up. She's about to fall…