Midshipman Plunkett Timeline and Summary


Midshipman Plunkett Timeline and Summary

  • Back in the 18th century… Major Plunkett's ancestor rides in a coach through the Dutch countryside.
  • He's heading toward the seacoast to do some spying for the British since the Dutch are suspected of aiding the French (who are aiding the Americans) in the Revolutionary War.
  • At the port, he hides among the cargo to make his observations. It's touch and go, but he makes it out and his intelligence is useful.
  • We next see Midshipman Plunkett below decks on The Marlborough, Admiral Rodney's warship, in the middle of the Battle of the Saints.
  • Through a series of unfortunate maneuvers, Plunkett accidentally impales himself on his own sword. To add insult to fatal injury, he drowns in the waters pouring through the hull.
  • Midshipman Plunkett is "resurrected" in the 20th century when his relative, Major Plunkett, discovers his name through his research.
  • The Major "adopts" him as a son and tries to reconstruct the young man's experience on the island.
  • On his return trip across the bottom of the sea floor—and through the centuries—Achille witnesses Midshipman Plunkett's drowning.