The One and Only Ivan Chapters 16-18 Summary

a plan, bob, wild

  • Fewer visitors are coming to the Big Top Mall, and Mack is not happy because he's losing money. 
  • Ivan takes it personally and wonders if he should learn some new tricks, or start eating more. 
  • Gorillas should eat forty-five pounds of food a day—perhaps he will try eating fifty-five. 
  • Bob tells Ivan his appetite is not the problem. 
  • Bob is a stray dog who lives on a steady diet of mall fare: hot dogs, ice cream cones, and lemonade. 
  • Ivan considers him a picky eater, but appreciates how clever it is that he uses his tail to communicate his basic feelings. 
  • Bob is also a survivor, thrown out of a truck along with the rest of his litter as a puppy; the other pups didn't make it. 
  • Ivan tells the story of how he woke up one day with a puppy asleep on his belly, and found it rather comforting. Can you blame him?
  • H and Bob have been buds ever since.
  • Ivan is aware that Bob has an unusual life. He doesn't have a home or people like other dogs, and he hides from Mack most of the time and keeps a low profile.
  • Bob says he prefers the dumpster diving lifestyle because he is a wild beast at heart. He doesn't want to be tied down… or worse, to be arm candy like poodles.