Out of Africa Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Out of Africa? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Chief Kinanjui refuse to allow children over a designated height to attend Karen's school?

Because they're big enough to be working already
He'll no longer be alive when the children under the designated height are adults.
The kids will be unwilling to learn.
He's just being difficult.
Q. What is Karen's famous quote "If I know a song of Africa…" talking about?

The indelible mark that an individual leaves on a place
The loss of independence and freedom
Toto's "Africa," duh
The pain of Denys' death
Q. According to Karen, when the gods want to punish you, what do they do?

They kill your ox.
They answer your prayers.
They light a match in your coffee factory.
They leave you bankrupt.
Q. What was Bror supposed to purchase for the farm?

A car
Organic coffee seeds
Dairy cows
A servant for Karen
Q. Why does Denys prefer animals to people?

They don't do anything half-heartedly.
They mate for life.
They love Mozart.
They aren't very good shots.