Paperboy Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She said the problem was that my lips tightened like a clenched fist and the air couldn't get through. The more I tried to say words that started with a B and P the tighter my lips would close up on me.

My plan for practicing the drills was to try to say a hard word just before I threw a paper on a porch. (2.19-20)

Getting over his stutter might require quite a bit of work. Victor wants to learn everything from the speech therapist so that he can stop stuttering and talk like his peers. He'll even do the annoying drills to get to that point.

Quote #2

Mr. Spiro used words in strange ways but it was easy enough to tell what he was talking about. He made what he said sound important like he was talking to a grown-up. I liked him double when I knew I wouldn't have to try to say Ninety-five cents again.

He put his books down on a table near the door and was careful to keep them open to where his fingers had been marking his place. (3.53-54)

From the very first meeting, Victor can tell that Mr. Spiro is the kind of dude who just loves reading and learning. He's always soaking up more information, and this comes through in the way that he talks.

Quote #3

Firstly, let me guess that you are probably a little embarrassed by what just occurred. No need, Young Traveler. We all have our deficits but no ledger will be tallied here. (3.92)

Mr. Spiro doesn't make Victor feel weird about his stutter or the fact that he passed out. Instead he just calls him a Young Traveler and tells him that everyone has their own problems and that it's better to focus on the good in people.