A Perfect Day for Bananafish Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Perfect Day for Bananafish? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How do Seymour and Sybil get along?

Very well
He scares her
They despise one another
They’re like, total besties 4eva
Q. What do bananafish sometimes eat?

They’re partial to caviar, but don’t tell them what it is
Human skin
Q. Why do many of the bananafish die?

Their family has a history of heart disease
They get too fat
They swim into the propellers of a ship
They’re allergic to saltwater
Gang fights
Q. What does Seymour do to Sybil’s foot?

Kicks it
Kisses it
Puts a bandage on it
Attaches googly eyes to it and begins referring to it as Sir Hampton Pigglesworth
Q. What does Seymour do when he gets back to his hotel room?

Writes a letter to Sybil
Wakes up Muriel to tell her he’s leaving
Shoots himself in the head
A gentleman never tells