Pnin Theme of Love

What is there to say about love that hasn't been said by every rock, pop, and rap star there has ever been? You know the deal. It's mushy, squishy, and full of pink floating hearts. Or at least that's what they tell us. In Pnin, love is slightly less romantic and a bit more self-destructive and morbid. The two women that Pnin has loved bring him nothing but pain, so much so that he even has a strange heart condition. We are all for romance, but if we were Pnin's friends we'd say, "Romance? It's for the birds." Or in this case, maybe it's for the squirrels.

Questions About Love

  1. There are two great loves in Pnin's life: Liza and Mira. What is the difference in Pnin's relationship with these two women? Do you think one love is more important than the other? Why or why not?
  2. Are the other romantic relationships between characters in Pnin successful? Or are they doomed from the start? What are the differences between the doomed couples and the successful couples, if any?
  3. What is the relationship between love and death in Pnin? How many of Pnin's loved ones are dead? How many are alive? How many are alive, but might as well be dead? And does all that affect our poor prof's relationship with people?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Love is only a source of pain for the characters in Pnin.

No character in Pnin is able to find a lasting love.