Marion Crane (Janet Leigh)’s Timeline and Summary

Marion Crane (Janet Leigh)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Marion is in love with Sam Loomis, a small businessman from Fairvale, California, who's heavily in debt.
  • Sam visits her in Phoenix; they have sex during her lunchbreak. She tells him she wants to get married, but he feels he can't afford it.
  • She goes back to work at her real estate office. A client is paying $40,000 cash for a big deal. Her boss gives her the money to deposit in the bank.
  • She keeps the money, and sets off to drive to Fairvale to bring it to Sam.
  • On the way out of town, she sees her boss and he sees her. She's also stopped by a cop. She becomes more and more nervous.
  • During a rainstorm she's forced off the road near Fairvale. She decides to spend the night at the Bates Motel.
  • Norman Bates, the owner, offers her dinner. She hears him arguing with his mother, who disapproves of his paying attention to Marion.
  • Marion and Norman eat. Norman reveals his mother's insane.
  • Their conversation leads Marion to realize she should return the money. She resolves to drive back to Phoenix the next day.
  • She goes to her room and undresses. She is unaware that Norman is watching her through a peephole.
  • Marion gets in the shower. A woman with a knife appears and stabs her to death.
  • And that is the sudden end of Marion's story.