Pure Theme of Memory and the Past

In the world of Pure, it seems as if all memory is lost. The main characters constantly struggle to pull memories from their lives, and sometimes they even make them up. Even Pressia's favorite game—"I Remember"—is just that: a game.

For people outside of the Dome (and some inside), memories hold just as much weight as actual wealth. If you can remember your past, then maybe you can understand your present. But if you're memory is hazy (like Pressia and Partridge), then you're at the hands of the all-powerful Dome.

Questions About Memory and the Past

  1. What memories do you think affect Pressia the most: the ones she doesn't remember, or the ones she does remember?
  2. Why do kids play I Remember? Is it to form trust, like Pressia says, or is it something else?
  3. Do the characters spend too much time thinking about the Past, and not enough time thinking about the present?
  4. What single memory do you think holds the most importance throughout the book?