Rainbows End Chapter 31 Summary

Bob Contemplates Nuclear Carpet-Bombing

  • Meanwhile, Bob's marines—and all their drones—are focused on the UCSD area. What are they going to do there? Let's just reread that chapter title again. Yeah, if things get bad here, Bob has the authority to destroy this part of the US. Whee. The future, man—it can be kind of scary.
  • Luckily, Bob's team can set up a temporary network to help stabilize the library.
  • Bob knows that some suspect people are going to be rounded up and interviewed about all this later tonight.
  • But there are lots of questions right now. Like: why did some of the US intelligence analysts lose contact after the Credit Suisse failure? And: why did the biotech lab's UP/Express launcher suddenly become active?
  • So Bob wonders if he should destroy all this area—because what if the UP/Express launcher had some biological WMD it was about to send somewhere?