Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In a moment, his older son Paul came out, closing the door carefully behind him. Paul, at fifteen, was a quiet, hardworking boy, rather clumsy in his movements but strong and careful about his chores. In a few seconds, he was followed by his younger brother Billy, who at age twelve was noisy and had an annoying habit of skimming rocks across the gross at anything that moved. (5.4)

This is one of the few glimpses of the FitzGibbon's family life. It's important because it shows the FitzGibbons as a family—rather than an evil set of enemies! Of course, it also complicates matters because we mostly are asked to see them as enemies.

Quote #2

"I'm Timothy's mother. If you, and Arthur, and others in your group can take risks to save him, surely I can too." (13.52)

This mama is serious about protecting her babies. Her willingness to put herself at risk is impressive to the rats, who begin to take her much more seriously after this declaration.

Quote #3

As she hurried home, Mrs. Frisby considered just how much she should tell her children about all that happened. She decided at this stage, at least, she would not tell them about their father's connection with the rats. (20.13)

This probably makes sense, given that Mrs. Frisby does not know the full story about NIMH yet and she is really stressed out about Timothy. But we wonder if it is fair of her to hoard secrets like this. Don't these kiddos deserve to know the whole story?