Rear Window Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rear Window.

Quote #1

LISA: I'm in love with you. I don't care what you do for a living. I'd just like to be part of it somehow. It's deflating to find out the only way I can be part of it is to take out a subscription to your magazine. I guess I'm not the girl I thought I was.

Lisa is a model of persistence—mainly in getting Jeff to commit but eventually as a part of solving the mystery, too. She sticks with Jeff even though he constantly ignores her, insults her, and rejects her advances. What does she see in him that keeps her going?

Quote #2

LISA: I couldn't think of anything more boring and tiresome than what you've been through. And the last week must be the hardest.

Just a friendly reminder that Jeff has already shown a measure of stick-to-it-iveness simply by staying around his apartment and not going out of his mind. He's been waiting for something to happen for weeks, and now that's about to pay off.

Quote #3

LISA: Pay attention to me.

JEFF: Well, I'm, I'm not exactly on the other side of the room.

LISA: Your mind is... and when I want a man, I want all of him.

Ms. Fremont isn't interested in a man who isn't paying complete attention, and she's going to make sure that Jeff gets with the program. That motivates her to jump into the mystery because for now, that's where his attention is.