Alice Timeline & Summary


Alice Timeline & Summary

  • Alice scares away the town thugs who are harassing Tom.
  • In exchange for helping him, she asks for a favor.
  • She gives Tom a basket of cakes to give to Mother Malkin, a witch buried on Tom's property.
  • Mother Malkin escapes, and is killed by Tom. Then Alice's aunt, Bony Lizzie, has Alice lure Tom into a trap.
  • However, Alice helps Tom escape from this trap and get back to the Spook's property. There, Bony Lizzie is captured.
  • Instead of putting Alice in a pit herself, because she helped the witches, the Spook sends Alice to Tom's farm.
  • At the farm, Alice works hard to help Tom's mam. She gets along great with the whole family.
  • Unfortunately, she inadvertently summons Mother Malkin, who possesses the pig butcher and tries to kill them all.
  • She helps Tom kill Mother Malkin once and for all.
  • Again, she faces the fate of spending the rest of her life in the pit. But Tom decides to take her to another aunt in another town. He trusts her now, even though the Spook isn't so sure about her.
  • Alice is happy to not be in a pit, and to have found a friend in Tom.