Tools of Characterization

Tools of Characterization

Characterization in Rocky


When Rocky is in his hole-y sweatshirt (you might even say "holy" —see our Symbols section on religious imagery for more), you know he's in full-on training mode. When he's wearing a leather jacket and his black hat, like he's auditioning to be an extra in Goodfellas, he's in loan shark mode. That black hat makes him look a little sinister, but the thick glasses he puts on to take notes on the spelling of names gives him a nerdy balance. These are the two main aspects of Rocky's life, and they're easily noticeable by what he's wearing.

Adrian's also defined by her clothes. She's a Rachael Leigh Cook-type, from She's All That, a total babe who is believed to be a nerd because of her heavy sweaters, thick glasses, and woolen caps. As Adrian becomes less shy, she sheds actual layers of clothing, given her appearance a subtle makeover throughout the movie, all the way until her red beret is knocked off at the end of the movie. She doesn't need to hide behind a hat anymore.

Family Life

Rocky's apartment is small, but he manages to cram four into it—himself, Cuff, Link, and Moby Dick. Those three aren't his sparring partners, though, they're two turtles and a goldfish. Rocky's lonely. He has no family that we know of, but he has his pets to keep him company.

Meanwhile, Adrian and Paulie are seemingly chained to one another. Each one feels responsible for the other. Brother blames sister having to live together, and sister blames brother for the same thing. Rocky's solitary lifestyle doesn't look so bad when you see this dysfunctional family. But the family dynamic shows Adrian and Paulie's loyalty. That's one reason they're both reliable friends to Rocky.


Rocky is the challenger; Apollo is the champion. Rocky lives in an apartment with an old mattress for a punching bag. Apollo's various digs are lush staterooms, in the fanciest hotels in Philadelphia. His surfaces are hardwood and leather. Rocky's couch has the stuffing coming out of it.

Just getting a glimpse into their personal digs shows us the great difference in each man's status. It shows us what Apollo has achieved, and what Rocky can become.