
Rocky has a longer lifespan than any other professional boxer. This is a franchise that has spanned almost forty years—forty freaking years. That's seriously going the distance.

There are five Roman numeral-ed Rocky films from 1976 until 1990, a sixth comeback film, Rocky Balboa (2006), and a sequel/spin-off Creed (2015) telling the story of Apollo Creed's son, who needs Rocky's help to win a fight.

And that's just scratching the surface. There's a Rocky Halloween costume and a sexy Rocky Halloween costume for women. Don't have the Balboa body to pull it off? Buy one with the muscles painted on.

Ever thought Rocky was so sensitive, he might burst into song? You're not the only one. Rocky was adapted into a Broadway musical in 2012. Unlike Rocky himself, who rose to stardom, the musical crashed and burned, closing after only six months. But that was hardly enough to damage the franchise, which will probably outlive Stallone himself.

And we're not even mentioning the tourism industry kept alive by Rocky fans. There are the famous Rocky Steps in Philly, which see tens of thousands of people sprinting, gazing around, and jumping up and down with their selfie sticks. But if running ain't your thing, don't worry: there's a Rocky statue, a Rocky tour of The City of Brotherly Love, and the opportunity to propose to the Adrian or Rocky in your life at the Philly Zoo (where Rocky pops the question at the beginning of Rocky II). (Source)