Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

No one answered him and he said no more. When we reached the crossroads, he looked hopefully at us as if we might relent and say good-bye. But we did not relent and as I glanced back at him standing alone in the middle of the crossing, he looked as if the world itself was slung around his neck. (3.48)

Things look pretty rough for Jeremy Simms here. Just check out Taylor's word choice—it's very somber and heavy. Why is Jeremy "hopeful"? Why do you think he looks like "the world itself was slung around his neck"?

Quote #2

"Friends gotta trust each other, Stacey, 'cause ain't nothin' like a true friend." (4.117)

Irony alert. First, T.J. says that friends have to trust each other. But think about what he's doing right now: going through Mrs. Logan's room to find the test questions. Second, T.J. is not a true friend to Stacey, but Stacey is a true friend to T.J.

Quote #3

Anybody who was a friend of Papa's was all right in our book; besides, when he was near, night men and burnings and midnight tarrings faded into a hazy distance. (4.119)

Friendship is security, like a warm blanket. Mr. Morrison is a friend, and brings Cassie a feeling of safety. He would need one honkin' huge blanket for himself, though.