Romance Sonambulo Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Some critics have argued that "Romance Sonambulo" tells the story of a mortally wounded smuggler, who is seeking refuge as his girlfriend's house. What up with that? (Source.)

Lorca many times called this poem his "favorite," even though he never explained what it was about. Great. Thanks, L. (Source.)

Lorca's dream-like imagery in the poem was due to his interest in surrealism, which he studied with his friend, Salvador Dalí and other artists, who were known together as "The Generation of '27." Sounds like a cool group—we wonder if they wore matching jackets. (Source.)

After publishing the book in which "Romance Sonambulo" appeared, Lorca went to live in New York City for a time. He was particularly fond of Harlem. (Source.)