Saint Joan Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Saint Joan? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who told Joan that crowning the Dauphin as King is her destiny?

Her mother
Captain Robert de Baudricourt
Her unusually specific horoscope
Q. Why does the Archbiship like Joan?

Because she reminds him of his niece
Because she lets him beat her at bocce ball
Because she is a woman of her word
Because she demonstrates humility and reverence for the Church
Q. What does Charles give Joan?

A life sentence in prison
Control of the army
The French crown
An engraved bracelet from Things Remembered
Q. Which battle site does Joan visit?

The local paintball arena
Q. For what has Dunois been waiting?

The stars to align
The new Chick-fil-A to open
The wind to change
The snow to melt