Seven Samurai Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the Japanese to English translated subtitles of Seven Samurai.

Quote #1

KIKUCHIYO: When you kill, you kill.

Kikuchiyo may have a long way to go before he's a samurai, but at least he understands the ground rules before he starts.

Quote #2

GOROBEI: The threshing is all done. The bandits haven't come. They're beginning to think they've gone away.

KAMBEI: Yes. But when everything seems so peaceful, that's the most dangerous time of all.

First rule of warfare: the enemy can attack at any time, so don't be lulled into a false sense of security. Kambei is demonstrating what he brings to the table when he's hired to save this village. Being a samurai means much more than being able to fight.

Quote #3

KAMBEI: Well, a good fort needs a gap, a break. The enemy must be lured into it. We couldn't keep this place only by defending it.

Another chunk of tactical brilliance. He's setting up the big finale, but he's making sure we understand why it's going to work and what the samurai are hoping to achieve with it.