Shakespeare in Love Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Shakespeare in Love.

Quote #1

VIOLA: I would stay asleep my whole life if I could dream myself into a company of players.

Viola has a huge obstacle to becoming an actor, and it isn't her acting ability: it's that she is a woman. At the time, on all the stages in the world (or at least in London) all the players are merely men.

Quote #2

VIOLA: Stage love will never be true love while the law of the land has our heroines played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats!

Viola makes a good point here. Can men playing women accurately portray the emotion of love? Maybe the reason no play has shown true love (cisheterosexual love at any rate)is because all the actors are men. Perhaps Romeo and Juliet isn't all that great—it's the fact that a real woman is on stage that makes it so powerful.

Quote #3

VIOLA: You will not tell. As you love me and as I love you, you will bind my breast and buy me a boy's wig!

Here Viola orders her Nurse to disguise her as a man. We're not sure how anyone falls for it before she wears her fake facial hair, but many of the young men who play woman have feminine features anyway.