
Whiskey Sour

Bond loves to drink. He drinks four times the amount of the average person, so we hope his liver is as superhuman as his upper-body strength. While he often drinks martinis—you know how they're made—a bottle of Scotch makes an appearance in one significant scene.

Silva balances a glass of fifty-year-old Macallan Scotch on Severine's head and taunts Bond to shoot it off. Bond fails, Silva kills Severine, and Bond quips, "It's a waste of good Scotch."

Ouch. That's awfully callous. In the commentary, director Sam Mendes says Bond makes the remark to throw Silva off-balance. If Silva thinks Bond is a cold-hearted killer like himself, he'll let his guard down. But is there more going on here? The fifty-year-old Scotch is the same age as the Bond franchise, and Severine, like many Bond girls before her, has proven to be disposable.

Is the movie saying This is it: we're moving from the disposable girls of the past? Or is it stubbornly staying with the same tropes? Or is it nothing more than a drink and a one-liner?

Whatever it is, fifty-year-old spilled Scotch is something worth crying over. That stuff's expensive.