Sold Theme of Friendship and Compassion

Friendship in Sold develops in the most unlikely places. Yes Lakshmi had a friend in Gita before she was sold into prostitution, but the more developed and meaningful relationships in the novel occur at Happiness House. And thank goodness, because they provide a much needed bright spot in the novel.

Shahanna's kindness gets Lakshmi through her awful transition into the brothel, and Monica and Harish each give Lakshmi the smallest and sweetest of gifts. These kindnesses give Lakshmi the strength she needs to endure Happiness House. Even so though, friendship isn't easy. When Shahanna is taken, Lakshmi almost loses it, and in the end she has to choose between friendship and freedom. So while friendship keeps hope alive for Lakshmi, it also hurts her in deeper ways than she imagined possible.

Questions About Friendship and Compassion

  1. Whose friendship affects Lakshmi the most and what makes you say this?
  2. What meaning do small acts of compassion and kindness take on in Lakshmi's life, and how do they help her develop friendship?
  3. What message do you think McCormick wants to send about friendship throughout the novel? Support using evidence from the text.
  4. Do you think it will be possible for Lakshmi to make friends after her rescue? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Without her friends at Happiness House, Lakshmi would have lost all hope.

Harish saved Lakshmi's life by being her friend.