Song of Hiawatha Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Line)

Quote #1

Else you would not cry and whimper
Like a miserable woman! (2.53-54)

When he's killing the Great Bear of the mountains, Mudjekeewis takes a moment to taunt the bear by comparing him to a crying woman. He basically means that women are weak and emotional compared to strong and brave men.

Quote #2

But you, Bear! sit here and whimper,
And disgrace your tribe by crying,
Like a wretched Shaugodaya,
Like a cowardly old woman! (2.64-66)

Mudjekeewis isn't quite finished yet. He takes another moment to remind the bear of how cowardly and womanly he's being by crying instead of fighting back. Say what you want about Longfellow, but it's pretty clear that Mudjekeewis doesn't think highly of women.

Quote #3

Much he questioned old Nokomis
Of his father Mudjekeewis;
Learned from her the fatal secret
Of the beauty of his mother,
Of the falsehood of his father. (4.28-32)

When he's old enough, Hiawatha learns the truth about how his father seduced his mother and abandoned her once she was pregnant. His mother then died of a broken heart, and Hiawatha decides that it's his manly duty to avenge his mother's death by killing his father.