Splendors and Glooms Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Parsefall snorted. He had a very good idea how Grisini had taken care of Lizzie Rose's earrings. He'd seen the ticket from the pawnshop. He pointed to the teapot, and Clara reached for it. "Would you like another cup of tea?" (3.43)

Lizzie Rose is so trusting of other people that she believes Grisini when he says he's keeping her mother's earrings safe. Too bad she'll never get them back—Grisini pawned them a long time ago.

Quote #2

Parsefall hung the Devil puppet back on the gallows and turned his back. The two girls went on talking. The chirping, purring sounds in their voices seemed to indicate they were becoming friends, but Parsefall paid no attention to their words. He was searching the room for something to steal. (3.62)

Parsefall isn't going to let his time in the Wintermute home go to waste. He's not there to make friends with someone like Clara; he's more focused on stealing something and sneaking off with it.

Quote #3

The two policemen emerged from the house, followed by Grisini. He bowed to them, turned on his heel, and headed down the street. The policemen set off in the opposite direction, their heads close together.

"They don't like Grisini," Parsefall concluded. "They think he's flimflammin' 'em." (9.3-4)

Even though Grisini is obsequious and flattering toward the policemen, they can tell that he's hiding something. He doesn't seem like the kind of man that you can trust, and even the children can see that they suspect he has something to do with Clara's disappearance.