Kirk (William Shatner)’s Timeline and Summary

Kirk (William Shatner)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Kirk is camping with McCoy and Spock.
  • Kirk receives news of the happenings on Nimbus III and heads to Enterprise.
  • The crew members go to Nimbus III, where Kirk mounts a failed assault.
  • Sybok takes the crew prisoner and brings them aboard the Enterprise.
  • Kirk is left in the brig while Sybok takes over the ship.
  • Scotty frees Kirk from the brig.
  • Kirk send off an emergency message that is intercepted by the Klingons.
  • Kirk joins Sybok on Sha Ka Ree.
  • After everyone escapes, Kirk is left to fight the entity.
  • Kirk is saved by the Klingons.
  • Kirk goes on another camping trip with his pals.