Stitches: A Memoir Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mama had her little cough. Once or twice, some quiet sobbing, out of sight […] or the slamming of kitchen cupboard doors. That was her language. (1.18-22)

David's mom may feel sadness, but it comes out as anger. Her coughing and slamming are passive-aggressive ways of telling her family she's unhappy.

Quote #2

Dad, home from work, went down to the basement and thumped a punching bag. That was his language. (1.27)

David's dad and his brother, Ted, both express their dissatisfaction by beating things—a punching bag and a drum set, respectively. David just beats up on himself.

Quote #3

And I, too, had learned a way of expressing myself wordlessly […] Getting sick. That was my language. (1.30; 1.37)

Is David getting sick on purpose, or pretending to be sicker than he is, just to have his mom pay attention to him? After all, it's only when he's sick that he receives any comfort.