The Adventures of Augie March Chapter 23 Summary

  • Augie argues with a psychiatrist fellow about why he answered that he's a bed-wetter on a test.
  • He's applied for the Purser's and Pharmacist's Mate's School.
  • He's sent on a training cruise.
  • He gets mail while away.
  • Simon is turned down for service because of a bad ear.
  • Clem hasn't been doing well at his business.
  • Sophie writes goodbye in two letters.
  • Einhorn has sent a message, too.
  • When Augie returns, he studies bookkeeping and ship doctoring.
  • In New York, Augie goes to meet Stella.
  • He says he can't decide if it's right for him to kiss her.
  • She tells him not to create a problem.
  • He kisses her on the cheek.
  • They sit and talk. Augie explains how he wants to be a teacher.
  • She says she still plans to pay him back the money.
  • Augie says not to worry about it.
  • They talk about Mexico. Oliver had plans to take her to Hollywood. Or so he had said.
  • They kiss and make love throughout the weekend.
  • He returns to base, sick in love.
  • She's waiting for him when he gets off the next weekend.
  • She tells him she borrowed money from him because she was in love and needed a way to keep in touch.
  • Augie proposes and she accepts.
  • She tells him everything she can about herself.
  • They decide to get married as soon as he's graduated from Sheepshead.