The Age of Innocence Chapter 26 Summary

  • On October 15, the houses in New York City are set up for the social season that begins in November.
  • Mrs. Archer is having Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Sillerton and Miss Sophy Jackson, Newland, May, and Janey.
  • They gossip about how much the social scene has changed and they talk over the rumors that Mr. Beaufort is headed for financial disaster.
  • After dinner, Mr. Jackson ruminates over Madame Olenska's situation with Newland over cigars. Madame Olenska has fallen out of favor with her family for rejecting the Count's request for reconciliation. She is currently in Washington, DC.
  • Archer takes offense at Mr. Jackon's suggestion that Madame Olenska's affairs are tied up with Beaufort's in some scandalous way. Mr. Jackson informs Archer that he just meant to say that Madame Olenska's aunt, Marchioness Manson, has funds tied up with Mr. Beaufort's bank.
  • After Archer and May return home, Archer informs May that he may need to head to Washington on business.