Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Doll Common? Subtle? Face? You Decide.

We're not so sure we'd go so far as to call any of the characters in this play a guide or a mentor…but it seems worthwhile to think about which one of our con artists is the real brains behind the whole operation. On the one hand, Doll seems to be the most levelheaded. You did notice how she's always breaking up nasty fights between Face and Subtle, didn't you? Plus, she always seems to keep her cool when things get heated.

You could also argue that Subtle is the one who's really in charge of things. After all, he's the dude who makes everyone believe he's a "Doctor" of science, alchemy, astrology, etc.

But, at the same time, Doll and Subtle end up penniless at the end when Face gets the upper hand and runs them both out of town. So, what do you think? Is Face the one who's large and in charge throughout the whole play? Check out our full Character Analysis of Face and decide for yourself.