Christine de Pizan Timeline and Summary


Christine de Pizan Timeline and Summary

  • Christine is reading at home one day when she comes across a book by a misogynistic guy named Mathéolus. The book criticizes women for being inferior to men and for being the cause of all the world's problems. It depresses her so much that she regrets being born a woman.
  • When Christine is wallowing in despair, three magical ladies appear in her bedroom and tell her that God wants her to build a City of Ladies. It'll be home to all of the best women from history and from the present time.
  • Christine sets out to build the city with the help of the three ladies. While they're building, Christine asks about all the bad things men have said about women through the ages. The three ladies show her point-by-point that all these arguments are wrong and that women are just as good as men.
  • When the city is finished, Christine and the three ladies find all kinds of great women to invite to live there. Once the women are inside the city, Christine dusts off her hands and congratulates herself on a job well done.
  • In the final lines of the book, Christine warns her female readers not to get too bold or cocky now that she's established the goodness of women. She still wants women to obey their husbands. She doesn't want to get accused of stirring up public controversy or get burned at the stake for being a witch. Let's not forget that she was writing in 1405 and people would not have been happy if she'd sparked some sort of women's rebellion.