The Clouds War and Violence Quotes

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Quote #1

I heard the cock crow quite a while ago, / but the slaves are snoring. They wouldn't in the old days. / Damn the war, it's messed up a lot of things. (4-6)

This play was written and first performed while the Peloponnesian War was in full swing. As a result, war, patriotism, bravery, etc., is very much in the minds of the characters.

Quote #2

Oh dammit, why'd you light the thirsty lamp? Come here and take your beating! (57-58)

Strepsiades is a fairly violent dude, apparently. Here, the slave made the wrong call regarding which lamp to light, and Strepsiades is eager to suggest beating him. Sheesh, calm down, dude.

Quote #3

They look like prisoners of war, the ones from Sparta. / But why are they peering at the ground like that? (186-187)

See, didn't we tell you that the characters have war on the brain? Here, even though Strepsiades is staring at a line of pasty students frozen in a ridiculous pose (i.e., butts to the air), he thinks straightaway of Spartan POWs… which seems like a leap.