The Dark Is Rising Chapter 10 Summary

The Hawk in the Dark

  • It turns out the Walker doesn't want to come back to the Light after all, but Merriman tries one last time to convince him to turn away from the Dark.
  • Will watches and remembers how upset Merriman was when Hawkin betrayed them in the first place.
  • But the Walker is still bugging over what happened before—it hurt when Merriman made him risk his life for the book, man, and the Dark doesn't ask him to do stuff like that.
  • Merriman gets it. He desperately wants Hawkin to return to their side, but if the guy won't, he has no choice but to banish him.
  • Hawkin is shocked, but Merriman insists. He's allowing the Rider to come into the house and torment the minds of the Old Ones, and without him there, the Old Ones are much stronger.
  • He gives Hawkin an ultimatum: Join the Old Ones or leave the house.
  • As all this is going down, Will notices that the house is getting colder and colder. The powers of the Dark bring a great chill on the house and the fire has gone out.
  • The Walker steals the belt with the Signs from Will, which causes Will to panic—he knows things will only get worse without the Signs.
  • Then he remembers something Merriman said to him earlier: The way to overcome the Walker is to make him just a man again.
  • Will asks for help dealing with the Walker, who is rambling incoherently. He grabs a needle (filled with a sedative) and quickly jabs it in the guy's arm before he can realize.
  • As the Walker drifts off to sleep, there is an instant change in the room. No more tension, no more freezing temps; suddenly everyone can breathe again.
  • Merriman instructs Will to get the candles of winter, so he does. Then the Old Lady tells him that they are strengthening themselves against the Dark.
  • Without the Walker or these candles, the Dark won't be able to get in. Sweet.
  • Bonus? Will can now get the Sign of the fire since the Dark is no longer all over the house.
  • He reaches in the fireplace as the flame goes out and takes another cross-circle, but this time it is made of gold and beautiful gems—rubies, emeralds, you name it.
  • On it, there's an inscription that says: "LIHT MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN."
  • Luckily, Merriman translates for us. It means: "The Light ordered that I should be made."
  • Just then, Robin comes in to find Will, commenting on how it's getting warmer.
  • Will hides the Sign and agrees.
  • Before they know it, the snow turns to rain.
  • Suddenly Max runs in and shouts for a doctor—their mom fell down the stairs and broke her leg.
  • As everyone shuffles around, Will asks Merriman if the Dark did that.
  • Merriman says probably. The Dark can't hurt Will, but they can destroy men (and moms). Yikes.