The Day of the Locust Theme of Lust

Pretty much every male character in The Day of Locust has a massive crush on seventeen-year-old wannabe starlet Faye Greener. Some of them, like Homer Simpson, express this desire in an innocent, innocuous way. Others, like Earle Shoop, become jealous and violent when they don't get what they want. And others still, like Tod Hackett, reach down into even darker levels of the human psyche when their lustful dreams are foiled. The result is a chaotic mess, complete with betrayals, fisticuffs, and at least one literal cockfight.

Questions About Lust

  1. What is the relationship between lust and violence?
  2. How does Homer's lust differ from that of the other characters?
  3. Should Homer have hooked up with Romola Martin?
  4. Why does Faye choose Miguel?