The Good Earth Theme of Religion

Gods, what are they good for? Huh? Standing all smug in their temples with their songs and books dedicated to them.

Okay, maybe it's a little more complicated than that. One thing The Good Earth doesn't really tell us is whether it's all humbug or whether there's really something to it. The poor people seem to need religion: the world for them in a scary place full of spirits and gods who want to see them fail. Worshipping the gods is the only way to make the moolah meter go up a little bit at the end of the day—and even then, there are no guarantees.

As for the rich people... meh. They've got money. What do they need gods for?

Questions About Religion

  1. What gods are around in The Good Earth? Why does Wang Lung seek those gods instead of others? 
  2. Do you think Wang Lung really believes in gods and spirits? Why or why not? What about the other characters? 
  3. What role does religion play in the lives of the novel's characters? Can it be replaced by anything else? If so, what?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The earth gods have no control over Wang Lung's life.

Gods are an important part of life in The Good Earth, and they control nearly everything that happens.