Lies and Deceit Quotes in The Interestings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We'll make it be okay. Please tell her that. But say it later, when Mo's not around to possibly hear any of it, okay?" (3.66)

Ethan's asking Jules to share words of encouragement—what's the point of keeping them from Mo?

Quote #2

"You tell him. […] You have to. He has to know what you know. You can't start off with a secret." (4.160)

Can secrets get less important over time? Or does it forever damage a relationship to have one?

Quote #3

"If she was making it all up, would she really be such a mess? Wouldn't she be more of a fake mess?" (8.78)

This is interesting: The difference between real trauma and fake trauma is how classically traumatized a person seems. Seems kind of problematic as a rule, but insofar as Jules is talking about Cathy, we also kind of think she has a point.