The Lost Hero Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Lost Hero? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The monster who wants to eat our heroes with salsa is…

Cookie Monster.
Ma Gasket.
Q. The bad guy who torments our heroes with frost and snow wherever they go is…

Evil Santa Claus.
Q. Who can only be defeated by gods and demigods acting together?

King Midas.
Justin Bieber.
Q. If Midas turns you to gold, the only way the spell can be reversed is if you…

eat Leo's tacos.
are struck with a silver arrow.
are placed in running water.
rescue Hera.
Q. Medea is notorious for…

creating the television show Wheel of Fortune.
trying to feed human flesh to Zeus.
having donkey ears.
murdering her own children.